I do NOT know how to start or what to say, so uh heres a list of things that are going on in my life.
(i kinda feel defrosted)
- stopped gym after desired physique (nun to crazy im just 13)
- my birthday in a monthish
- new class
- new friends
- old friends
- getting back into art and animation
- an almost good reputation
- cut my hair
- Thinking and finally turning and facing god.
- growing out my hair
- honoring my parents (trying very hard to)
- getting a eeny bit of attention
- finally handlinge change like a big boy
- doing art in macro media 8
- new styles of fashion
- the way i live my life
- my confidence (never low, but always to high, got it on a leash)
- brawl stars, BRAWL STARS!!!
- spunch bop collab
- many collabs im getting into ( thanks to @simoes1000 for getting me out there)
- perfecting arabic
- improving in many skills.
- old laptop repaired (im writing this in one, game changer am i right?)
- new music tastes and such
- cathching up on shows
- catching up on my school
- ykyk
this is just few of many i can tell of the top of my head, what can i say without it sounding like a cheesy disney movie script? "gee i dont know its pretty swell!"
its all so out there, but not overwhelming...
tleast thats what i tell myself.
one word,
thank you dear Lord, and my friends.